We would like our children to have fun in the garden. We would not like to have to ask them to stop kicking a ball around, playing make believe games, or having sword fights just because we are worried of the damage that may be done to the garden plants.
Here is a list of plants that do not mind the odd thump or bash of a ball. Some also do not mind being trodden on and some are even resistant to snapping. Each plant has different qualities:
- Ornamental grasses will sway and bend. They also usually bounce back.
- Catmint. An incoming ball will not make much difference to its loose sprawling habit.
- Lavender has tough branches.
- Rosemary is very tough all-round.
- Thyme. Does not mind being trodden on.
- Ladies Mantle (Alchemillia Mollis) will soon recover from the hit of a ball.
- Salvia Nemorosa Caradonna. The upright flowers will not bend or snap and it has a strong cushion of leaves.
- Box. A very dense plant.
- Euphorbia Myrsinites. Dense and springy. Will shrug off any assault.
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