It is the time of year when we start to think about filling  our surroundings and the garden with more colour and scent by incorporating summer bedding plants , planters, and hanging baskets.

Hanging baskets and planters can be used for a multitude of purposes such as growing herbs, growing trailing tomatoes,  growing strawberries and, of course, for growing vibrant flower displays.

The secret to creating a fantastic hanging basket or planter display is to use a good compost.  I use half ericaceous and half multi purpose compost within my hanging basket and planters. Incorporating both moisture retaining granules and commercial food pellets when planting up will address both moisture and food needs.  Keeping the basket well watered and supplementing the food supply also with an alternate liquid tomato feed/liquid seaweed feed should ensure a really good display.

And here is a fantastic article on standout flower combinations for hanging baskets

Please do pay our brand new garden centre a visit and also keep an eye on our online shop, which will evolve and be added to, as the summer season progresses.  All monies raised at the Garden Centre and online shop go towards the upkeep of Five Sisters Zoo.  The Garden Centre is open 10.00am-5.00pm seven days a week and our staff will be happy to assist with any enquiries.